Chartres urban farm

"A l'Epicerie" Restaurants, now 7 urban farms in 6 French regions

Are you familiar with the innovative "From Garden to Plate" concept of the "A l'Epicerie" restaurants? This 2023 award-winning concept features a Chef and Gardener duo.

The chef at "A l'Epicerie" identifies needs for the seasonal menu, while the Agripolis gardener manages the associated urban farm.

During the winter of 2022-2023A l'Epicerie has invested in its first two urban farms in Chantilly and St Germain en Laye.

Summer 2024, 5 new urban farms have been added to the existing 2. "A l'Epicerie" now also operates as a Chef and Gardener duo in Saulx-les-Chartreux, Chartres, Nice - St Laurent du Var, Villefranche-sur-Saône and Cannes-la-Bocca (for the Mercure Cannes Mandelieu restaurant).

In 2025, "A l'Epicerie" Maintenon will be added to the list.

The "From Garden to Plate" project aims to respect the seasons, achieve self-production of 15 to 25% of requirements, bring flavour, prevent food waste, reduce the carbon footprint and encourage authentic moments between employees, partners and customers.

Key features of a vegetable garden vertical and/or horizontal / "A l'Epicerie" urban farm:

63% less CO² emissions per kg produced
Savings of 90% of water
6 times more yield per m²
Production tailored to requirements
These figures have been verified by independent experts and certified by Ecocert, and the measurements were carried out by Agripolis on 2 sites over 3 seasons.

Our operating partner : Agripolis.
Our design and installation partner: Abp Architectes.
