Dish : Entrance Duration: 60 min. Level : medium
Ingredients per plate
Back of cod
Golden apples
Liquid cream 35%
Cream of basil
Organic Black Tapenade
Organic* Olive Oil & Basil (natural maceration)
*Products available in our shop shelves
To create our "A l'Epicerie" recipe, cod fillet with organic black tapenade, poached and served cold, broccoli texture and basil cream:
- Divide the cod in half lengthways without going all the way through, like a wallet.
- Spread the Organic Black Tapenade over the cod.
- Carefully roll up the cod backs, wrapping them tightly in cling film.
- Repeat if necessary.
- Cook in a heated casserole dish using a thermometer.
- Prepare the broccoli florets and cook them in a salted casserole dish.
- Peel the stalk of the broccoli, remove the green with a peeler to get at the white, then make a small julienne with the tender part of the broccoli stalk.
- Cut small apple sticks.
- Mix the cream with the basil cream.
- To prepare: Coat the broccoli florets with organic basil olive oil. Repeat with the broccoli julienne and the apple sticks.
- Arrange the basil cream in the centre of the plate, then place the piece of cod next to the broccoli florets, covering them with the mixture of julienne and sticks.
- Finish by adding a little lemon zest.
Treat yourself to a delicious fillet of cod with organic black tapenade, poached and served cold, with broccoli and basil cream "A l'Epicerie" style.
Enjoy your meal!